A complete starter programme for every new TOPdesker
Learn, Grow & Connect. Or LGC as it it’s also known. Since 2022, these are the three key concepts that ensure every new TOPdesk colleague gets the most out of their first year – and the years that follow. LGC is the starter programme every new colleague enters. Young or old. Experienced or not. LGC is there for all new TOPdeskers!

In your first weeks at a new job, you’re usually overloaded with new information. Just learning the names of all your new colleagues, and how your team’s JIRA board works is hard enough. Oh yes, and how do you declare your travel expenses again? And does that fantastic lunch start at 11:30 or noon? After a month or two, you’ll probably be comfortable with it all. You’ll know the colleagues who are most important to you and what is expected of you every day. Time to shine, rock – or whatever word you prefer!
But what if you were given a whole year to find your way instead of just a month? And if what you learn no longer depended solely on your team? Besides, wouldn’t it be more fun if you got to know new colleagues from all across the organization? Quite simply, that’s the aim of Learn, Grow & Connect: to give everyone the same lessons and standards, and let every newbie get to know as many TOPdeskers as possible.
Learn: what’s the goal?
Usually, learning means getting to know what your organization is doing on the market and what your role in this is. TOPdesk goes a step further with Learn, Grow & Connect. Brand-new Account Manager or Junior Developer? Everyone learns the same things about TOPdesk’s mission and vision, what products and services there are and what TOPdesk’s market position is. The goal of our LGC knowledge bomb? Getting everyone to understand what we’re all working towards.
What’s the benefit of putting all that Learn content into the LGC programme? A Graphic Designer is bound to ask different questions during a TOPdesk demo than a budding sales tiger. Thanks to all these perspectives, hopefully everyone will learn even more from the various sessions!Wat het voordeel is van al die Learn-content in het LGC-programma stoppen? Een Graphic Designer stelt vast andere vragen tijdens een TOPdesk-demo dan een salestijger in de dop. Dankzij al die perspectieven, leert iedereen hopelijk nóg
Grow: the focus is on your journey
What does Learn, Grow & Connect offer at the Grow level? The Grow element gives you tools for your personal TOPdesk journey after LGC ends. How do you give good feedback? How do you learn to “fail fast” and take your next step with undiminished enthusiasm? In short: how do you thrive in TOPdesk’s organizational culture? You will also discuss your personal journey with your entire LGC group so that you can give each other tips and learn from one another.
If you want to reduce personal development at TOPdesk to a simple metaphor, it’s a party: the garlands are waiting for you, and your manager is available for questions and help. You just have to pick up those garlands yourself and decide how to hang them. For instance, since 2022, you also have an awful lot of opportunities thanks to 10 to Grow. This scheme lets you use 10% of your contract time and gross annual salary for personal development. What should you do with it? That’s completely up to you! In consultation with your manager.
Connect: gaming together, playing sports together
If you’ve looked at TOPdesk’s Career site, it undoubtedly struck you: TOPdeskers do an awful lot together. Fancy running through the mud together? Check. Prefer competitive gaming? Check. Or would you like to help secondary school students on their way by providing job application training? Check. The more people you know within the organization, the easier it is to find people to join your favourite activity. A cool idea is usually just waiting for someone to put it into action.
Connect is perhaps the most important part of Learn, Grow & Connect. After a year, you not only know your department like the back of your hand, but also countless like-minded colleagues from all kinds of other specialisms. LGC – and you as a newbie – takes care of that with fun activities. For example, you arrange an awesome drinks party for all the newbies!
So, when are you going to start?
Would you be happy at an organization that fully prepares you for all the years to come? Do you want to understand the wonderful world of service management (Learn)? Discover how to get the most out of yourself (Grow)? And get to know as many great colleagues as possible (Connect)? Then move fast and check out our vacancies page! Maybe you’ll be one of next month’s LGC starters.